Event Starts:
at 11:00AM
Event Ends:
at 12:00PM

Please click here to register. Please note that registration will happen on a first come first serve basis. 

Taught by mental performance consultant and certified yoga instructor, Shelbi Snodgrass, SOBC's Yoga Club will teach athletes the basics of yoga. We will be learning about the different poses and postures, and doing our own practice each week. All Yoga levels welcome!

This is part of a 4 week series, occurring 1x/week on Wednesdays @ 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PT from Wednesday November 18 to Wednesday, December 9. 

Athletes are invited and encouraged to try out Zoom before this call. Please don't hesitate to contact Marlow if you have any questions at all!


Marlow de Paul, SOBC Sport Coordinator
Email mdepaul@specialolympics.bc.ca
Cell 604-737-3081