Special Olympics PEI Receives $20,000 Donation from PEI Mutual Insurance Company

PEI Mutual Insurance Company

On Tuesday, April 30th PEI Mutual Insurance Company presented Special Olympics PEI with a donation of $20,000. PEI Mutual is Special Olympics PEI’s Founding Partner, having contributed financially to the organization for 27 years. Over the course of the partnership, PEI Mutual Insurance Company has donated a cumulatively amount of over $290,000 to Special Olympics PEI.   These funds support Special Olympics’ programs in communities across the province, enriching the lives of Islanders with an intellectual disability through sport.

Special Olympics PEI athlete, Emily Craig visited PEI Mutual Insurance Company to accept the donation from the CEO of PEI Mutual, Blair Campbell. Emily, who is from Middleton, participates in Swimming, Snowshoe, and Basketball. On behalf of Special Olympics PEI’s over 600 athletes, Emily expressed her sincere thanks to Blair and to the Directors and Staff of PEI Mutual, for their tremendous support.

In addition to their annual financial contribution, when the 2018 National Bowling Championships were hosted in PEI, PEI Mutual supported the Championships as a Silver Sponsor.

Beyond this incredible financial support, PEI Mutual Insurance Company truly is a supporter and champion of the Special Olympics movement in PEI. Most recently, in December of 2018, PEI Mutual invited a group of athletes to attend their Directors and Agents meeting, and to participate in a panel discussion.

Charity Sheehan, Executive Director of Special Olympics PEI, commented on PEI Mutual’s donation and ongoing partnership, stating “PEI Mutual Insurance Company is the Founding Partner of Special Olympics PEI, and has contributed far more than financially to our organization. The company and their employees have been sincerely engaged and enthusiastic about our athletes and the key initiatives of Special Olympics PEI. We are so privileged to be partnered with such an amazing company and group of individuals.”