Special Olympics PEI, Athlete with Volunteer, Soccer
Special Olympics PEI offers a wide range of opportunities for volunteers

Volunteer Opportunities with Special Olympics PEI

Volunteer to Coach

Coaches teach the skills and spirit that define a true athlete. Coaches are role models and character-builders. Special Olympics coaches go even further -- they help athletes find their own strengths and abilities. They also show them how to build upon those strengths and improve every day.

As a Special Olympics coach, you bring enthusiasm, commitment and a positive attitude to each practice, event and competition. You will enrich the lives of our athletes in many life-changing ways. The skills and confidence an athlete learns through sports have a long and lasting effect. They can help an athlete succeed in school or even find a job.

To learn more about volunteering as a coach, please visit our Coaching Roles page.

Become an operational Volunteer

There are numerous roles that enrich the lives of Islanders with Intellectual Disabilities and support the mission of Special Olympics. To learn more about volunteering in any of the following operational roles, please visit:

Volunteer to Cheer

Find an event near you and go. Cheer for athletes who live near you or cheer for those who inspire you. It won't be long before you know their names and you know how well they can run, jump, kick, throw or swim.

Take and Share Photos or Video

The staff of Special Olympics PEI are focused on making every event the best it can be through planning and promotions. Running a track meet, for example, takes many more people than you might realize. With so much going on, sometimes our staff doesn't always have time to stop to take photos or video. If you have skill with a camera--or just love to take photos-let us know so we can make sure you get a great spot.

Help Out At an Event

Our public sport events need people to make them run smoothly. People who line up athletes for races; people who help time events; trained officials who make sure the rules are followed; people to announce events; people to rake the pit after each high jump. Every job needs a person, and every job is a fun way to take part.

Brag About Us on social media

Tweet, chat, post on Facebook, share photos, spread the news! Everyone who tells our story in a personal way helps shape the way other people see us and our mission.

Join our Movement!

If you would like to become a volunteer with Special Olympics PEI, please visit our Apply to Volunteer or Coach page.