CrossFit 782, Donation

Special Olympics PEI is thrilled to announce support from CrossFit 782’s Snowdown for Special Olympics.  Following a highly successful competition at their new facility in Charlottetown, Brett Roberts and Mike Ives, of the Charlottetown based CrossFit 782 gym, presented Special Olympics PEI with a cheque for $1,200.

A highlight from the competition for many in attendance was the workout demonstration put on by a group of Special Olympics athletes. In the middle of an intense CrossFit competition, all eyes were on a group of 10 Special Olympics athletes. The athletes, however, were well prepared for their workout; these athletes had been training. To the cheers and encouragement of the over 150 participants and supporters in the crowd, these athletes completed their circuit.

Over the past year CrossFit 782 and Special Olympics PEI have developed a strong partnership. What started as an idea to bring a few Special Olympics athletes into the CrossFit gym for a workout has grown into so much more. Now, almost a year later, a group of 10-12 athletes train once a week, under the supervision of Brett Roberts. The sessions focus on conditioning and strength, helping the athletes to prepare to train for and compete in their chosen sport. And make no mistake, these athletes work hard, putting in a full effort each week. If you ask any one of the athletes, or any of their family members who regularly attend to watch the workout, they will tell you just how much they enjoy their time at CrossFit 782, and how many positive benefits they see.

Special Olympics PEI wishes to acknowledge and thank CrossFit 782 for enriching the lives of Islanders with an intellectual disability through sport.