Athlete Training Tips

Set goals for 2019! Resolutions are made when you look back on things you did well and what you want to change, then set goals for the future based on the past. When setting a goal, remember to make it a SMART goal to give you a better chance at success.

SMART is an acronym:


  • Decide exactly what you want to achieve
  • Set goals that are clear and well-defined


  • Find out how you will know when you have achieved your goal
  • Keep track of your progress so you know how close you are to meeting your goal  

Agreed upon

  • Make sure the people who will be helping you achieve the goal agree with the goal. This could include coaches, teammates, or caregivers


  • Make sure your goals are achievable with the amount of time and resources you have


  • Set a deadline for your goal
  • Make sure you have enough time to achieve your goal