SOBC volunteer Liz Little
SOBC – Burnaby volunteer Liz Little (right) with SOBC – Burnaby athletes Katie Little (middle) and Jeff Hayes (left).

A dedicated and supportive volunteer, Special Olympics BC – Burnaby’s Liz Little loves how SOBC helps athletes develop sports skills, healthy habits, self-confidence, and a sense of community.

Little started volunteering with Special Olympics more than 10 years ago when her daughter Katie Little joined up as an athlete. Little currently serves as SOBC – Burnaby’s Public Relations Coordinator and is the longtime coach of the Local’s snowshoeing program. She says some of her most memorable experiences with Special Olympics include taking part in SOBC Performance Program camps, where coaches and athletes learn new training techniques and skills they can take back to their local programs.

Little says SOBC – Burnaby members have a lot of enthusiasm and pride, and the Local is home to many inspiring coaches and volunteers who are dedicated to providing athletes with life-changing opportunities.

When did you start with Special Olympics, and how did you get involved?

I began volunteering with Special Olympics in 2005 when my daughter signed up for the snowshoeing program. I have been the coach for snowshoeing for the last several years. I also volunteer with special events in Burnaby, such as dances and various fundraising efforts. This past summer, I had the pleasure of being part of the mission staff for the 2017 Special Olympics BC Summer Games in Kamloops.

What has been your most memorable Special Olympics experience?

Being a volunteer with SOBC – Burnaby has been full of memorable experiences. Taking part in training camps for snowshoeing, where athletes work on specific skills to improve their technique and coaches are provided with a variety of training strategies, is just one of many such experiences.

What is your favourite thing about being involved with SOBC?

Some of my favourite things about being involved with Special Olympics include seeing the athletes work together, their determination to train hard, and how enthusiastically they cheer each other on, whether it’s for a major competition or a regular practice. Any Special Olympics event is bursting with energy and interaction. The many social connections athletes develop, both in their Locals and around the province, contribute to their overall health and well-being.

What would you like others to know about SOBC – Burnaby?

SOBC – Burnaby is not one of the larger Locals in B.C., but it has a great number of long-serving, dedicated, and enthusiastic coaches and volunteers. Our athletes wear their uniforms with pride and always strive to compete to the best of their abilities. SOBC – Burnaby has a lot of heart!