Event Starts:
at 12:00AM
Event Ends:
at 12:00PM

1. shamrock on scavenger hunt

Check off each line as you complete it! take a picture of each item or your whole sheet. try to find as many or as little as you like! it is totally up to you!


2. luck o'the irish 7 circuit

try this 7 exercise circuit! you can try 1 exercise, can be modified as you need!  if you want to challenge yourself more , try doing all 7 exercies, or try doing all 7 exercises 7 times each, or do each exercise 7 times, 7 rounds.  the possibilities are endless.


share pictures or video's of you trying the exercises or show us how you modified them!  we cannot wait to see!


3. shamrock selfcare

take a moment during march and practice your deep breathing!  follow along with the instructions on the card and let us know how you enjoyed this relaxing activity!



Follow along with one or all three cards at home!

Share pictures and video's of YOU doing all the fun activities throughout the month of March on our Facebook Page

Don't forget to Tag us @Specialonl and use the Hashtag #SOShamrockSeries

Everyone who tries any item on any card and lets us know by sharing on social media tagging us and using #SOShamrockSeries or emailing kimm@sonl.ca will have their name entered for a prize pack!


If you are having any trouble printing this 3 page activity, please click