Vancouver Island Polar Plunge

Get ready to take on an exciting challenge and have an absolute blast at the beach with the 2019 Polar Plunge for Special Olympics BC!

Brave Plungers will charge into chilly waves at the Vancouver Island Polar Plunge for SOBC at Willows Beach on February 17 and the Vancouver Polar Plunge for SOBC presented by Westminster Savings Credit Union at Kitsilano Beach on March 2. These frigid and fun Law Enforcement Torch Run events will feature colourful costume contests, awesome incentives and prizes, and law enforcement operations vehicles on display. 

Plungers can sign up as a team or an individual. Encourage your friends, family, colleagues, and classmates to take part and join the festivities!

Too chicken to get chilly? Volunteer or donate to help make a difference through the power of sport! 

We are grateful to Vancouver Island Polar Plunge Event Sponsors Serious Coffee Millstream Village, The Neal Estate Team, and Thrifty Foods. Sincere thanks to Vancouver Polar Plunge Presenting Sponsor Westminster Savings; Photo Booth Sponsor CN; VIP Warming Tent Sponsor Dueck Auto Group; Event Sponsors Safeway and Tim Hortons; and Media Sponsors City Television, JACK 96.9KiSS 104.9OMNI Television, and Sportsnet 650.

Learn more and register