CrossFitters crush CF|24 challenge for Special Olympics

CrossFit 24

On October 21, more than 700 participants in 26 CrossFit gyms across Canada helped make a difference by conquering CrossFit 24 to support Special Olympics.

Working in teams of three to six, CrossFitters completed one high-intensity workout every hour for six, 12, or 24 hours to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics programs throughout the country. In B.C., Raincity Athletics stepped up to the challenge, completing 12 workouts in 12 hours and raising over $5,900 for the Special Olympics Canada Foundation.

Gyms were joined by local Special Olympics athletes who took part in some of the workouts and helped to cheer on teams. At Raincity Athletics, Special Olympics BC – Vancouver powerlifters Sarah Brown and Nellie-Joe Kurta helped kick off the marathon workout session.

"Special Olympics makes me happy because it makes me feel part of a team, and I can give encouragement to other athletes," Brown told the participants. "I would like to thank you all for supporting Special Olympics!"

To date, this year’s event has raised over $110,000 for Special Olympics across Canada. Thank you to all the CrossFit gyms, teams, and supporters who worked so hard to make the day a success!