Last update: August 2024

Special Olympics BC has a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan in place for safe operations of all programs and events. 

Read the plan


Highlights for Participants

  • If you are sick, do not attend your SOBC program/event.
  • Wash or sanitize hands when entering and exiting the venue, and often during your program/event.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your sleeve. Avoid touching your face with your hands.
  • Bring your own filled water bottles whenever possible.
  • Continue practicing physical distancing when it’s helpful to you.
  • Programs are following high standards for cleaning and ventilation.
  • For participants ages 5 and up, masks are recommended (but not required) while you are not playing your sports. Please be respectful of others and their choices.
         a. If a facility requires mask wearing while off the field of play, that rule must be followed.
  • Please read the full plan for all the safety requirements.

It is vital that all Special Olympics BC members take these protocols seriously and personally commit to following them. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to safety! 





Special Olympics BC Return to Sport Plan resources



Michelle Cruickshank, SOBC Vice President, Sport


Past Return to Sport News

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