Image of Special Olympics Alberta 5 Pin Bowling athlete Chris Mastervick during an interview.

Chris Mastervick has been a part of Special Olympics – Edmonton for the past 13 years, competing in the 5 pin bowling and floor hockey teams. After hearing about Special Olympics from his friends, his mother helped him join the program. Although he is currently on the injury reserve list for floor hockey, he is excited to return next year.

From regularly playing sports, Mastervick has improved his technical skills. For example, “I have become better, learned how to keep my arm straight, and don’t go so fast,” he said. Bowling and floor hockey has also led to personal development, making new friends and gaining confidence.

It is difficult to pinpoint only one Special Olympics memory that stands out. “It is when everyone goes out of town to Provincials and attends the dances and ceremonies,” he said.

Mastervick said he recommends Special Olympics to his friends because it is fun, you meet a lot of interesting people, and it is an opportunity to travel for competitions.

“It is fun, I get to meet lots of friendly people, and I love bowling,” Mastervick said. “It is my favorite tournament and I cannot wait to go to Medicine Hat for the provincials!” Aside from being excited to compete in 5 pin bowling, he is looking forward to go with his girlfriend, who is also an athlete at the games.

“Just do my best and I hope I can come back with a gold medal,” he said. “But if I come back with nothing, that’s okay. There’s always next time!”