Event Starts:
at 6:45PM
Event Ends:
at 8:30PM
Virtual Session

Athlete Leadership has gone VIRTUAL! We know how important it is for our athletes to stay connected, now more than ever. And we want to help you do that, safely! Therefore, we’re offering virtual training for athletes who are or want to use social media. This is a beginner level course.

The Connecting and Sharing Online training course, which covers social media, video calls, safety, and more.

Register for this session by filling out this form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0uK-T6G1gUivTXRQU_eryrY6oAUmCThGmSJa88zV7flURE5OWEdZRDU4TTJMM1g0QUdFRkNVU1Y5SCQlQCN0PWcu.

Only 12 spots available, so register early! A Zoom link will be sent out to all registrants at the email address you provide in the registration form one day prior to the session.

If you have any questions, please email Chelsea at cfidler@specialolympics.ab.ca! Looking forward to learning together!