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National Coaches Week is a time to celebrate the positive impact coaches have on athletes and their communities across Canada. The annual campaign is an opportunity to recognize coaches for the integral role they play by taking the time to say #ThanksCoach.

This year Special Olympics Alberta wants to recognize coaches in two ways:

1. Thanks Coach Video

As part of National Coaches Week, we want to celebrate the coaches who continue to make a difference in the lives of our athletes by making a video of athletes sending thank you’s to their coaches.

All we need is for athletes to record a quick video saying the below lines:

Video 1: “Thanks, coach!” or “Happy National Coaches Week!”

Optional Video 2: “My coach is the best, because …” and insert your own reason as to why you think your coach is the best.

When recording your video, please keep these things in mind:

  • Film horizontal (use your phone sideways, instead of holding it straight up).
  • Please wear Special Olympics gear – shirt/sweater, medals.

If you could please send the video via email, Dropbox, or WeTransfer to Kiefer at ksutherland@specialolympics.ab.ca by Friday Sept 18, 2020 at the latest that would be much appreciated!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

2. Coach Features

This year we want to write features on the coaches that make a difference in YOUR community. We want to hear from you to recommend coaches who fit one of the following categories:

  • A young/new coach
  • A longtime grassroots coach
  • Someone who goes above and beyond – perhaps organizes athlete socials for the team
  • Someone who has gone above and beyond during COVID-19

Please fill out the following form to recommend a coach that deserves to be highlighted: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0uK-T6G1gUivTXRQU_eryv7UQpP2pTxEkQqcnljSfMNUNVBaVU81NVpMUk8ySUk5NFlLQzM4ODBCRS4u