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Special Olympics Edmonton, in partnership with Chance Pacholik, introduces the KILOMETRES FOR INCLUSION fundraiser!

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, Special Olympics Edmonton (SOE) has had to cancel two fundraisers, suspend all competitions and sanctioned events, and sadly cancel all weekly sport programming for the spring and summer season. This has been a hard time for our organization as we have a mission to provide safe and inclusive sport programming for individuals with intellectual disabilities and that has been put on hold.  We miss our athletes, we miss our coaches, we miss sport. 

Knowing the effects the pandemic has had on our community, friend and supporter of SOE, Chance Pacholik contacted us stating he would like to dedicate a 100 KM run to Special Olympics. He not only wanted to raise awareness and funds for our organization, he wanted a way to unite our community and promote the importance of health, wellness and staying strong during difficult times.

As he undergoes this incredible feat, we challenge you to join Chance this summer and complete your own virtual run/walk!

You can find out more about the event here.