Polar Plunge - Logo Resized

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Polar Plunges in support of Special Olympics Saskatchewan athletes!


Waskimo Festival Polar Plunge

It may have been cold out but we were warmed by the generosity of all the Polar Plungers, volunteers, sponsors and supporters! Together, we raised over $11,000 for Special Olympics athletes at the 3rd Annual Polar Plunge held in conjunction with the Waskimo Festival!

We would like to congratulate our Polar Plunge award winners:

Individual with the highest fundraising total - Nathan Basey

Team with the highest fundraising total - RPS Police Plungers

Best Costume - Tyler Haddad

Check out the awesome recap video below, courtesy of Munz Media!



Depot Polar Plunge

On February 22nd, the first ever Depot Polar Plunge was held. Many participants braved the cold to raise over $9,000 for Special Olympics Athletes! 

We would like to congratulate our Depot Polar Plunge Winners:

Individual with the highest fundraising total - Jeff Dayman

Best Costume - Depot Mess 

We would like to also give an honourable mention to Better Than Burpees and Troop 31 for their team fundraising efforts


Polar Plunge