Special Olympics Swim Coach


Becoming a coach with Special Olympics has many rewards. Along the way, we are always here to help. Our training programs are designed to ensure that you are able to meet the needs of any athlete involved in our organization with both confidence and skill.

Special Olympics Canada sees our volunteers coaching in two main areas; those that are preparing athletes for Provincial/Territorial, National and World Games, and those who will work with athletes in their community who wish to be active for life.
For this reason, we provide coach education that focuses on reaching the potential of both athletes and coaches in these two sporting areas.

To receive sport technical knowledge, a Special Olympics coach must also participate in the sport-specific workshop. These workshops provide the necessary knowledge in order to coach the technical aspects of the sport.

Special Olympics Canada does not run workshops pertaining to the technical aspects of Special Olympics sports. This is accomplished through our partnerships with national sport organizations (NSOs) and provincial/territorial sport organizations (P/TSOs).  To access sport technical training please go to the NSO website.

For more information on becoming a Special Olympics coach, visit your Provincial/Territorial Chapter’s website.

NCCP Training:

Special Olympics in Canada provides three NCCP courses for coaches;

Coaching Young Athletes

  • SO Coaching Young Athletes Workshop
  • Fundamental Movement Skills Workshop

Competition – Introduction

  • SO Competition – Introduction Workshop

In the new NCCP, a coach is described as:

  • In Training – when a coach has completed some of the required training for a context;
  • Trained – when a coach has completed all required training for a context;
  • Certified – when a coach has completed all evaluation requirements for a context.

Special Olympics coaches can now become certified in the Special Olympics context.

Pan Canadian Coaching Minimum Standard:

Level of Coaching 

Minimum Standard 

Initial Onboarding  SOC Orientation Course
(Within 1 month of program placement)
Criminal Record Check (CRC)
Community Coaches/ Grassroots SOC Orientation Course
NCCP SOC Competition Introduction Course (Trained)
Safe Sport (CAC or RIS)
MED Evaluated
Provincial Games

NCCP SOC Competition Introduction (Trained)

Safe Sport (CAC)or Respect in Sport 
MED Evaluated

National Games (Head Coach) NCCP SOC Competition Introduction Course 
Sport-Specific Training 
Safe Sport (CAC)
MED Evaluated
Current CRC
National Games (Assistant Coach) NCCP SOC Competition Introduction Course 
Sport-Specific Training 
Safe Sport (CAC)
MED Evaluated
Current CRC
National Games (Mission Staff) NCCP SOC Competition Introduction Course 
Safe Sport (CAC)
MED Evaluated
Current CRC
World Games NCCP SOC Competition Introduction Course
Sport-Specific Training
Safe Sport (CAC)
MED Evaluated
Current CRC
Recommended Courses First Aid/CPR
NCCP Making Head way
SOC Coaching athletes with Autism
SOC Coaching athletes with Down syndrome
NCCP Diversity and Inclusion in Action
NCCP MultiSport
NCCP Coaching athletes with a disability
NCCP Mental Health in Sport
NCCP Sport Nutrition
NCCP Emergency Action Planning

Coach courses overview