Robert & Gabriel

Your contribution, no matter the size, will aid us in ensuring that the thousands of children, youth and adults with an intellectual disability who use our programs are able to continue to do so.


Special Olympics Canada is largely a volunteer-based organization, and we depend on support from our partners and donors to provide programs, mentorship, and resources. You can be certain that your donation will be put to use to directly benefit those who we work hard to support.

Leave a Legacy

After you have taken care of your family and loved ones, consider including Special Olympics Canada in your will as part of your final estate plans.  Here is some sample bequest language that you might like to share with your estate lawyer for possible inclusion in your will:

Sample Bequest Language:

I, give, devise and bequeath to Special Olympics Canada, the sum of $_____________ to be directed towards the area of greatest need determined by the Board of Directors of Special Olympics Canada.

I, give, devise and bequeath to Special Olympics Canada __________ percentage of the residue of my estate to be directed towards the area of greatest need determined by the Board of Directors of Special Olympics Canada.

Upon the death of the survivor of my (wife, husband, etc.) ______________________ and my (son, daughter, etc.) ___________________ I direct my trustee to transfer and deliver the balance of the residue of my estate, including any undistributed income to Special Olympics Canada to be directed towards the area of greatest need determined by the Board of Directors of Special Olympics Canada.

Contact Information:

Registered Charitable Name:                Special Olympics Canada
Charitable Registration Number:     11883 6337 RR0001
Canadian Office Address:                       21 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 600
                                                                                  Toronto, Ontario   M4T 1L9 /
                                                                                  Phone: 1-888-888-0608

For more information, please contact Daniella Sretenovic at call 1 888 888 0608 x4406.

The information provided is general in nature and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice.  Special Olympics Canada encourages all donors who are planning a legacy gift to seek independent legal and financial advice.