
Victoria Sarty being introduced by Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir at Rock the Rink in Regina.



On October 18th, Special Olympics Saskatchewan athlete Victoria Sarty performed at Rock the Rink in Regina. Rock the Rink is a Canadian figure skating tour, that includes skating superstars Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. "I was excited, It's a dream that is now real life!" Sarty said when asked about her reaction when she found out she would be performing at Rock the Rink.


Victoria started skating when she was four years old and continues to train every week, including off ice training and dance classes. At Rock the Rink, she skated to a program that she will be performing at the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games next year in Thunder Bay. "It is called Born to's a song about trying my best, taking each day by day".  


Sarty was chosen by Special Olympics based on her passion for skating, and her ability to handle the pressure of the event but she said she knew it would be nerve wracking. Being around other people makes her nervous, but she said ahead of the performance she kept reminding herself, “I can do this, I’ll just take my time.” By the end of her program, the crowd was on it's feet cheering her on. 


Watch the video by CTV Regina here