Matthew and Friend
Matthew (left) and his teammate showing off their medals

Matthew Mackenzie
Special Olympics La Ronge & District 

Bocce, 5 pin bowling, athletics, snowshoeing, nordic skiing, golf, and curling

Matthew has been a Special Olympics athlete for 5 years! Matthew and his family have embraced and supported the Special Olympics movement wholeheartedly. Matthew and his family run well-organized fundraising events where Matthew volunteers. Matthew comes to every community meeting where he often takes part in planning events. Matthew eagerly participates in every sport available! He has a heart of gold which he shows at every opportunity. An example of this is during races Matthew will often stop to help others who may be struggling. Matthew is a true and thoughtful friend to young and old alike. When Matthew is asked about why he volunteers he said,”I volunteer because it makes the world a brighter happier place for everyone!”  Matthew has a huge heart and loves to participate in the Special Olympics movement. Congratulations Matthew!