October is Disability Employment Awareness Month – an annual reminder of the pressing need for equal employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. It is a time to recognize and celebrate the unique talents and contributions that individuals with diverse abilities bring to the workforce. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and promoting workplace diversity, Disability Employment Awareness Month encourages not only economic empowerment but also societal transformation, where individuals of all backgrounds are treated with respect, dignity and given the chance to contribute their skills and talents. It serves as a catalyst for change, driving home the message that inclusivity in the workplace is not only a matter of equality but a cornerstone of progress and collective success.

Employment Rates 

According to a study conducted by our national partner, Bain & Company, the general Canadian population of individuals with intellectual disabilities has an employment rate of only 28%.

In stark contrast, Special Olympics athletes have achieved a remarkable 44% employment rate, signifying a substantial improvement in their access to the job market. We believe this is a testament to the unwavering dedication and hard work of our athletes, as well as the powerful impact of the Special Olympics community.

The Special Olympics Impact 

Our movement is committed to promoting inclusivity, fostering self-confidence, and developing essential life skills for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Beyond the playing field, our programs equip our athletes with essential skills that translate into all aspects of life, including meaningful employment opportunities.

Our athletes emerge from these programs not only with enhanced sporting abilities but armed with confidence, teamwork, effective communication, and problem-solving skills. These attributes are not confined to the realm of sport; they prove to be valuable assets in the workplace. Employers embracing inclusive hiring practices have discovered that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities not only contribute meaningfully to their teams but also bring an unwavering commitment to their work. 

Meet Special Olympics Athletes in the Workforce 

Allow us to introduce you to two remarkable Special Olympics athlete who are employed by two of Special Olympics Canada’s National Partners—Allie Price from Safeway and Marley Gayler from Tim Hortons. Their stories demonstrate the power of inclusion in the workplace. 

Meet MarleyMeet Allie

Disability Employment Awareness Month serves as a pivotal moment for reflection and action. Reminding us that by embracing diversity in all its forms, we not only empower individuals to thrive but also foster a society where every contribution is valued, and every potential is realized.