Special Olympics Canada has been conducting door-to-door fundraising campaigns across the country since 2018. We have partnered with Globalfaces Direct, to run these campaigns. These campaigns are part of Special Olympics Canada’s fundraising strategy to enrich the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability through sport.

Face-to-face canvassing, is a cost-effective way for Special Olympics Canada to reach a demographic we have not reached through other campaigns.

Face-to-face canvassers are able to have personal conversations about our programs and about the benefits of monthly giving with thousands of people in all parts of the country.

Face-to-Face Campaigns

Our door-to-door fundraisers knock on doors all across Canada. Each fundraiser talks daily to hundreds of people about the work of Special Olympics Canada and invites them to learn more about our work and how they can get involved. 

Active Face-to-Face Canvassing Program Locations


How Do I Know if a Fundraiser is Legitimate?

A legitimate Special Olympics Canada fundraiser will wear a prominently displayed name tag and have a good knowledge about our programs and initiatives. Fundraisers often wear a vest, a coat or a golf shirt identified with the Special Olympics Canada logo and will also carry material on our programs. In some parts of the country, canvassers carry electronic tablets to collect information electronically.

Our canvassers are committed to recruiting supporters who wish to support the Special Olympics Canada through a monthly donation. However, door-to-door canvassers can in some occasions accept single donations. Canvassers are not allowed to accept bills or coins.

During the sign-up process for monthly donations, you will receive a phone call from Special Olympics Canada's Face to Face team's contact centre to verify your details. Please note those numbers below.



For any questions regarding your donation or canvassers, please contact our donor relations team: