For National Police Week, May 10 to 16, we are thanking our 13,577 Law Enforcement Torch Run members across Canada by sharing some of their stories. These Canadian law enforcement personnel donate their personal time to not only raise awareness of Special Olympics, but also raise critical funds. LETR is the largest public awareness and grassroots fundraising organization for the worldwide Special Olympics movement. Please join us in celebrating their incredible impact on the lives of Special Olympics athletes and their families.


Kristi, dressed in her police uniform, poses for a photo with an athlete holding a trophy.
Kristi MacKay with her BFF Erin Pippy-French.

School Resource Officer Kristi MacKay is a dedicated LETR PEI committee member and a consistent participant in the province’s annual Polar Plunge. She also goes above and beyond by taking on extra tasks and creating unforgettable experiences with Special Olympics athletes, like throwing a 20th birthday party at a police station.

1.    What is your role in law enforcement?

My role in law-enforcement is a school resource officer (SRO) within the high school level here. We also are a resource for all the feeder schools. 
I was a front line patrol officer for 10 years before moving into the SRO position. 

2.    When did you first get involved in law enforcement and why?

I started my law enforcement career in 2009 at 19 years old with Charlottetown Police Service as I wanted a career where I would be involved with people and to work within the community I was raised in. 

3.    What do you love about your job?

I love assisting people who are in need and going to community engagements. It is always fulfilling to hear positive interactions with people whether it is a personal story or the service as a whole.

4.    Do you have a favourite moment/highlight from your career?

My favourite moment so far from my career was being the successful applicant for the School Resource Officer position. 

5.    In what capacity do you participate in LETR?

I participate with LETR PEI as a committee member. I have been involved with them since 2011. I have been on two National Games Final Legs: 2018 in Antigonish, NS and 2020 in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

6.    When and why did you get involved with Special OIympics/LETR?

I got involved with LETR, as I wanted to be part of something so much bigger than myself. It was an opportunity to be part of a family of people who come together in the name of sport, gamesmanship and camaraderie. 

7.    What is your favourite Special Olympics/LETR moment/memory?

My favourite Special Olympics/ LETR memory is running the flame of hope into my first National Games in Antigonish, NS. The feeling was electric and it is one that I hold near and dear to my heart. There is nothing like being part of the team and running in the flame. 
Beforehand I went down to find Team PEI and ran through the whole team and gave them high fives as they were lined up to enter as well to begin the Opening Ceremony. 

I would also be amiss to not mention my second National Games, involving a Special Olympics PEI athlete, Erin Pippy-French. She was the flag bearer and a bowling athlete at the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games Thunder Bay 2020 and I got to watch her proudly walk in the PEI flag with her team. I heard her scream my name and I stopped to wave to her as we were running the Flame of Hope into the Opening Ceremony. She might have been proud to know me as one of the LETR members but I was prouder to call her my best friend. 

8.    How has Special Olympics/LETR changed your life?

Special Olympics and LETR has changed my life as it has built life long friendships through policing, sport, Games, community involvement and volunteering.  

9.    Why should other law enforcement officials get involved in LETR?

Other Law Enforcement members should get involved, as they would feel a deep connection to the people within LETR and the Special Olympics athletes. Until you become involved, you have no idea how your life truly becomes enriched by other people and changes your outlook on life in a way you can’t even imagine. 
If a law enforcement official would come to one community event connected to LETR they would understand why committee members don’t volunteer for just one year. It becomes something that lasts the duration of your career and beyond. 

