Event Starts:
at 8:00AM
Event Ends:
at 8:00PM
Charlottetown, Summerside, and Tyne Valley; PEI
  • 10 Pin Bowling
  • 5 Pin Bowling (Summer)
  • Adult

Special Olympics Canada is excited to announce PEI as the host province for the 2018 Special Olympics Canada 5-Pin Bowling Championships, which will take place May 14 to 20, 2018 in Charlottetown, PEI. The 5-Pin Bowling Championships will happen over a 4 day period and feature athletes from 11 participating Special Olympics provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec.

“The 2018 5-Pin Bowling Championships will offer Charlottetown a unique experience to Special Olympics athletes from across Canada,” said Blair McIntosh, Vice President, Sport for Special Olympics Canada. “As one of Special Olympics Canada’s most popular sports, this competition will offer athletes an opportunity to compete in a stand-alone National event for the sport.”

Over 200 bowlers, 40 coaches and 11 Chef de Mission’s will descend into Charlottetown for this distinctive event, the highest level of competition for the sport within the Special Olympics Movement in Canada. Along with athletes, coaches and mission staff, the 2018 Special Olympics Canada 5-Pin Bowling Championships will bring fans, family members, dignitaries from National Sport Organizations and federal Government officials.

“The City of Charlottetown is honoured that this national event will be held in the Capital City in 2018,” said Charlottetown Mayor Clifford Lee. “We’re excited to have this opportunity to partner with Special Olympics Canada and our local branch, Special Olympics PEI and pleased our sport tourism brand SCORE! was able to assist in bringing this event to our great city. It will be a benefit to our tourism sector as the event will draw nearly 300 participants to Charlottetown in addition to a large number of family and fans during the shoulder season. We look forward to the event and hope that the athletes, their coaches, family members and fans enjoy the event and their time in Charlottetown.”

5-Pin Bowling, one of Special Olympics Canada’s original sports, also features the most registered athletes, with 13,435 Special Olympics participants across Canada.