Josee Seguin

SPORT:  Powerlifting

PROVINCE:  Ontario

How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?

For 15 years.

How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?

Special Olympics has changed my life because it has made be more outgoing and a lot less shy.

What do you like most about the sport you will be competing in at Special Olympics World Summer Games Berlin 2023?

I like that even though it is a more male dominated sport, it doesn’t mean that women can’t do it. You just have to be willing to work hard and you can do just as well as anyone.

What is your proudest moment with Special Olympics?

My proudest moment was going to my first World Games back in 2019 and having the opportunity to wear the Canadian flag and represent my country, my hometown on the world stage.

What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?

It means we are all part of a big family.

What is your goal for Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023?

My goal for the World Summer Games Berlin 2023 is a squat of 225 and a deadlift of 305.