The Government of Canada is a vital supporter of Special Olympics Canada and Special Olympics BC, providing significant funds to develop new and existing programs and competitive opportunities.

Funding from the Government of Canada has played an important role in the growth of SOBC’s impactful health programs. Special Olympics BC’s Healthy Athletes screenings address the unique challenges that individuals with intellectual disabilities experience around health care and communicating their health and wellness needs. Through the Healthy Athletes program, health care professionals receive training about the specific health care concerns of people with intellectual disabilities and how to ask the right questions. Their interactions with Special Olympics athletes lead to referrals back into the health care system, ensuring that the individuals will get the treatment they need. 

The federal government’s support has also helped SOBC develop its youth programs. These low-cost programs give children and youth with intellectual disabilities ages two to 18 the opportunity to learn vital motor, sport, and social skills in a fun and welcoming environment.

In addition to providing critical support for our health and youth programs, the Government of Canada also funded training and travel expenses for members of Special Olympics Team BC 2024. Their support allowed 142 athletes, 50 coaches, and 14 mission staff to represent their province with pride at the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games Calgary 2024

SOBC Athlete Leadership programs, Leadership Summits, and Coaching Summits also receive support from the Government of Canada, allowing individuals throughout the Special Olympics BC community to come together to take part in networking opportunities and listen to inspiring expert speakers. 

With the help of federal government funding, SOBC has strengthened our sport programs by developing tools and resources to support athletes and coaches. Support from the Government of Canada has also helped SOBC create new sport opportunities across the province, giving athletes the chance to train and compete in a variety of sports within their home communities.

SOBC is extremely grateful for the support of the Government of Canada!

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