"Special Olympics has given me confidence in myself. I'm not so shy – it has helped me gain friendship and made me believe in myself,” says Special Olympics BC – Victoria athlete Jennifer Ferrier.

Jennifer (middle) with fellow SOBC athletes and law enforcement members at the 2023 Polar Plunge for Special Olympics BC!

For over 19 years, Jennifer Ferrier has been deeply involved in Special Olympics, making a lasting impact on and off the playing fields. She currently participates in multiple sports, including athletics, bowling, curling, golf, and floor hockey.

Aside from her dedication to her sports, Ferrier is also an inspiring voice to the Special Olympics community. She has attended and participated in fundraising initiatives throughout the years such as the Polar Plunge for SOBC, and has shared her experience with Special Olympics at these events.

For Ferrier, Special Olympics is a place where she can find belonging, empowerment, and inclusion through sport, while making lasting friendships and memories with others.

“When I was in school, I didn't like to talk. I was shy. I had a few friends and that is just a little sad. Special Olympics have changed that. I was scared on my first day but I didn't need to be. Everyone was so nice and showed me the ropes. I made a lot of friends with all kinds of diverse abilities. As time went on, my confidence grew.”

Hear more from Ferrier and her story by watching the video below!

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