For Special Olympics BC's 22 dedicated members of Special Olympics Team Canada, the 2023 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Berlin were the...
“Special Olympics is such a big part of my life. It’s what I do. I enjoy being part of a team, where I am accepted for who I am, and I accept my...
Congratulations to Special Olympics BC – Smithers athlete and SOBC Athlete Input Council member Torben Schuffert, who participated with pride in the...
Let the training begin! The coaches and mission staff of the Special Olympics Team BC 2024 Training Squad came together for a fun and productive...
Special Olympics BC athletes from all over the province came together from May 5 to 7 for the 2023 Athlete Leadership Summit! Participants learned new...
New Special Olympics BC programs are getting started in Hope and the Shuswap area! We are excited to be introducing our empowering year-round programs...