Simplify your workouts with body weight exercises

SOBC Athlete Training Tips

There is no fitness tool that is more accessible than the human body. Mastering your own body weight is certainly a skill and takes a great amount of strength! It’s also free! Think of movements like sit-ups, push-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups, and burpees. Exercises like these can easily be modified to suit most ability levels. 

Ready for a challenge? Every day this week do 25 sit-ups, 25 squats, and 25 push-ups. You can do them all at once or space them out throughout the day. Maybe you do 25 sit-ups in the morning, 25 squats at lunch, and 25 push-ups before going to bed. If you do this every day from June 1 to 30, you will have completed 2,250 reps by the end of the month!