Jean Scholefield

Special Olympics Team BC 2024: 5-Pin Bowling
Jean Scholefield portrait

Special Olympics BC Local

Cowichan Valley

When and how did you get involved with Special Olympics?

My daughter joined in 1996. Shortly after, I started coaching and was asked to join the local committee. I have now been involved with Special Olympics for 22 years.

Will this be your first Special Olympics Canada Games? If not, which other National Games were you part of and in what role(s)?

No, I have been to the 2018 National Games in Antigonish as a coach for 5-pin bowling.

What does it mean to you to be part of Special Olympics Team BC 2024?

Excited and honoured.

What is/are your goal(s) for these National Games?

To help make a positive experience for the athletes as they do their best.

What is your favourite Special Olympics experience to date?

My daughter's first trip to National Games in the summer of 2006, and she earned a silver medal. 

What does competing at National Games mean to your athletes? (or, if this is your first National Games, competition in general)

Knowing that all their training and commitment has led to this moment.

What storylines are you excited to see develop in your SO Team BC sport team leading up to the National Games?

Highlighting their training and commitment.

What would you say about Special Olympics to encourage someone to get involved?

It's an incredible experience and you will never be sorry that you did.