Burton Collins

Special Olympics Team BC 2024: Snowshoeing
Burton Collins portrait

Special Olympics BC Local

Campbell River

When and how did you get involved with Special Olympics?

Around 2008. Our son Reise was 12 years old and needed somewhere where he could compete in sports. Special Olympics turned out to be of great benefit to him.

Will this be your first Special Olympics Canada Games? If not, which other National Games were you part of and in what role(s)?


What does it mean to you to be part of Special Olympics Team BC 2024?

Great pleasure in seeing the athletes committed to training and raising the bar to a new level. An honour and already rewarding.

What is/are your goal(s) for these National Games?

Eat, sleep, and be merry. Help the athletes enjoy the experience no matter what the outcome. Make it absolutely enjoyable and successful for our athletes.

What is your favourite Special Olympics experience to date?

The 2023 SOBC Provincial Games, where the experience and successes of the athletes seemed to be at a level I had not seen before. 

What does competing at National Games mean to your athletes? (or, if this is your first National Games, competition in general)

They are all so thrilled to be chosen and look forward to competing. They demonstrate dedication in their willingness to train. 

What storylines are you excited to see develop in your SO Team BC sport team leading up to the National Games?

Good to see the whole snowshoe team get together on Zoom to build some comradery. Also, the continuing friendship amongst our training group.

What would you say about Special Olympics to encourage someone to get involved?

Seeing the joy in the athletes when they experience improvement in their abilities and success at new endeavors. That is what makes it rewarding. Every athlete who joins betters their life in some way, usually in a big way.